The snow has finally melted enough to get back to one of my
FAVORITE things:
Exploring Eastern Oregon!
Miles and miles of unique land, vistas, secret canyons, weathered ranches, and old homesteads.
Dotted across vast rolling prairie's of rabbit brush, yarrow, and thousands of flowers and
you will find unique pieces of Oregon History.
Each fighting for its own existence in this difficult terrain.
I personally discovered exploring when I was a little girl.
My Dad loved taking all of us LAKE kids to old homesteads, and historic places in Michigan.
Lets check this one out kids! |
Tell your Mother we found HOME! |
Minutes after arriving in Central Oregon I started exploring the area.
I don't think I missed a butte, mountain, trail, creek, river over the 35 years.
My interest in history grew over the years and now I find myself taking trips as much as
I can... just the joy of discovering something new!
Relocating to Eastern Oregon several years ago has provided a NEW canvas of adventure!
The land is so vast and each curve in the road provides a totally new scene.
On Facebook lately I have seen many people posting photos of the homesteads...which is great!
However a few things to take NOTE on.
The historic properties are privately owned!
Many now have cameras on them because people were stealing parts of the buildings and history.
The "Homesteads" are part of the State of Oregon's exciting past.
Please honor them like you would a National Monument.
Rattlesnakes, wild animals have moved into some of these old structures so be aware!
Many owners of these properties also post no trespassing signs! Honor them!
By the way I don't know a single soul that does not own a gun here in eastern Oregon!
Many times I have stopped and asked for permission first.
The greatest thing by far...these people are very PROUD of what they own and are filled with information.
Most of these buildings provide the tourist with a rich history of the families that homesteaded them.
It is fun to look at the log construction and see what nationality the people were.
Early log construction was created by different cultures moving west.
For example here are two:
In north eastern Oregon the old Gold Mines are still noticeable and found over the landscape.
Some are owned by private landowners, some are still being mined.
RESPECT these places! Very dangerous!
Make sure you know where you are.
The State of Oregon Forestry can show you maps where you can go.
The mine below I explored last summer was fascinating. could see remnants of a Cougar that had recently been present.
"Here Kitty Kitty"!
My personal fascination is to discover the "stories" of the people that resided here.
What happened to them? Where are the children now?
I find it incredible that all of these places were created in less than 110 years!
In America!
The terrain was tough, the winters are hard
(gee ask me!)..... water was scarce.
But like me now........They must have fallen in love with the land.
The beauty is shocking, unexplored, pristine, and a gift!
What a JOY it has been!
Have a Wonderful Day!
Your Artist Friend in the Wilds,