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Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Christmas in July!

Christmas in JULY!!!
Wow! 95 degrees here today!!!
Just Amazing!
I was painting in the NEW Art Studio today and daydreamed of winter!
I know you say "WINTER"?
Well, Yes I love the snow or I wouldn't live here!
I also love the holidays...the old fashion way.
Hot chocolate in a seasonal mug, warm fire, snowflakes dancing outside.
Awww...soon enough.
Below are a few of the many mugs available on my blog!
Great hostess gifts and for You!
If you would like them signed just comment below and we do all the rest! 
Visit : Jennifer Lake’s Christmas Cabin ~ On Line Store:
Have a Wonderful Evening!
Your Artist Friend,
Jennifer Lake

The Timberline Lodge Mugs are always a holiday tradition.
Available in several styles.
They are located in the “Celebrating Oregon” On Line Store 
“The Jennifer Lake’s Christmas Store”

Both stores are located on both sides of this blog.

Sunday, July 22, 2018

Painting the Stories of Your Life...

Home Portrait Season!

The Summer is half way over already! 
I have been so busy in the past few months with the new art gallery... 
I was really paying no attention to the time!
I have sadly only three openings left for this year for home portraits.
Most clients request "Home Portraits" for Christmas Gifts. 

When you order a "Home Portrait" you make a list of
 the details of  your life!
Many people include many experiences, family members, special events, dogs, cats, horses, goats, etc.
The more detail the better!
"Home Portraits" capture a families story forever!
You can also order canvas prints for each member.
I have painted everything from outdoor weddings, ranches, farms, homesteads, and architecture.

Basically said..."I paint stories of Your Life".
I capture detail upon detail.

Home Portraits come in every shape and size...
from 16 X 20 ~ 4' x 6'.
Prices vary on the architecture and detail.
Each is individually priced.
So if you are looking for that "Very Special" gift this year...
E-mail for further information:
Comment below for further information.
Have a Wonderful Evening,
Your Artist Friend,
Jennifer Lake

Saturday, July 21, 2018

The Oregon Love Story! Celebrating the NEW Art Gallery ALL July!

The Art Gallery Celebration Continues!
The Oregon Love Story!
I created a series of four paintings in 2006 that combined created the 
Oregon Love Story!
 The love story begins with the Oregon Trail painting.
Below is a brief description of chapter one and two in the book.
The couple meet on the Oregon Trail and fall in love.
The wagon train held a western dance at the end of the trail.
They both danced all night.
The painting below is called "After the Rodeo Dance"!
Their Cowboy Boots look exhasuted after dancing the night away!
The tickets from the rodeo dance lay on the floor.
Her pearls she had worn that night now lay on her boot.
A mouse under the bed is peering out wondering what all the commotion is about.
The lace is the same in every painting.

The two end up settling into their new lives, build a ranch, have children.
One year the Cattle & Sheep Wars began in Oregon.
He had to leave to protect his herd.
She writes him a love letter before he leaves and places it on his saddle.
She also leaves her lace hankie for him to remember her. 

He left to protect his cattle herd. She stayed behind and took care of the ranch.
So much sad news from the Cattle and Sheep Land Wars.
One day she receives a letter...hand written by her husband to her.
It says..."Look for me Soon" .....
The painting "Coming Home" depicts her standing on the high plateau looking down the canyon.
She is holding the letter and wearing her lace apron.
All of a sudden....She sees the Love her Life..."Coming Home"!
with what is left of the herd!

Why Lace...the lace is a symbol of how our lives are woven into stories.
Our lives are fascinating...each thread of life weaves a beauty that is
just ours!
You can own all four prints. The first Chapter of the "Oregon Love Story".
All four/signed. $150.00 + shipping.
11 X 14 image size.
Have a Wonderful Evening Everyone!
Your Artist Friend,
Jennifer Lake

Friday, July 20, 2018

Gallery Decor...You feel like your Home!

“Celebrating Oregon”

The “Celebrating Oregon” series can be found in the NEW Art Gallery ...

New pieces continue to be added. 
The series was started in 1984 and became the most collected series in my entire art career.
I like the look of these three historic pieces against my handpainted log and stone mural! 
The rack below I found and will be using it for
all the tote bags of the series.
Many gift products will also be available in the gallery this fall.
Several hundred paintings were included in the
 “Celebrating Oregon” and “Celebrating Washington” series.
Both collections combined have sold over two million prints!
From 1984 ~ 2018
What a shock over the years! 
The collections also traveled throughout Japan in the early nineties.
However...I am most proud that these two series have created over
 1.5 million dollars
for a variety of Northwest Charieties.
Here are just a few:
Dorenbecher Childrens’s Hospital
Boys and Girls Clubs of America
National 4-H Foundation
Deschutes County 4-H Foundation
Children’s Farm Home
Oregon Historical Society of Oregon
Washington State Parks
Salem Oregon Tourism Divison
Ronald McDonald Homes
Pittock Mansion Portland
City of Tacoma Tourism Division & Historical Society
Oregon Coast Aquarium
I will be Amazed Always and very Grateful for
All My Collectors & Fans!
Stop by and Visit!
The coffee is ON!
Have a Wonderful Evening!
Your Artist Friend,
Jennifer Lake
The Art Gallery is OPEN ~ Friday ~ Sunday!

Thursday, July 19, 2018

The Famous Puzzle Table Returns!!!

The Art Gallery Puzzle Table!

The Puzzle Table is filled once again!
Over the years all my art galleries had a Puzzle Table.
Guests would sit and attempt to help put one of my puzzles together.
When my son was growing up we had one in our home set up all the time.
It is a Great way to meet people, have conversations, and simple fun.
Kids love it!

Puzzles have never gone out of style!
My puzzles have been produced in wood and fine cut stock for years. 
The Jennifer Lake Puzzle store has over 100 options!

You can select from many puzzle sizes and pieces!
The one below is called “Bark”!

The Puzzle was created from one of my original paintings!
Try the1025 piece puzzle!!!
The pieces are of great quality.

Stop by the art gallery and have a cup of coffee and work the Puzzle!
You can visit the puzzle store direct on the upper left hand side of this blogpost.
or CLICK here: https://www.zazzle.com/jenniferlakepuzzles
Enjoy! Have a Wonderful Evening!
Your Artist Friend,
Jennifer Lake


Wednesday, July 18, 2018

Welcome to the New Art Gallery!

Welcome to the Art Gallery!

The Art Gallery is my new Live Working Art Studio.
I created a working art studio in Sisters, Oregon and guests loved it!
They always liked dropping in to see what I was creating.
I love the outdoor view!
The mountain is called Mt. Ireland.

I have hiked and ATV'D  to the top of Mount Ireland now twice!
It has to be by far my FAVORITE Mountain in Oregon!

The white Mountain Goats of Eastern Oregon live on the very top!
They are hardly afraid of you!
I am currently working on a painting of the top of the mountain!
The painting is only a 1/4 of the way.

I have also included Baldy Lake in the painting!
I will post more as the painting progresses.
I am feeling a little more settled in the studio and it feels like home!
When you are in the area...just look for the
 Green Door and enter my New World!
Have a Wonderful Evening!
Your Artist Friend,
Jennifer Lake

Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Art Gallery Celebration Continues!

The New Art Gallery Celebration ...Continues!

The New Art Gallery was very busy over the past two weekends!
I was so pleased with those of you arriving from all over Central Oregon!
Reminded me of “Old Home Week”!
The conversations included: Updates about family and friends,
 the massive changes that have occurred in Central Oregon!
I left three years ago!
Isn’t it amazing how fast life and time moves!
The store interior and the future plans for the commercial property received great reviews.
When you walk into this new little gallery ...only 725 square feet...
 (my last art gallery was 4250 square feet) you see the image below.


  The old hutch I purchased just a few days after moving to Oregon...
it was OLD and had 17 layers of paint on it.
The hutch was dipped and all the paint was removed.
The hutch was built around 1882.
It now houses the extraordinary story of the artists within my family.
As many of you know the list is long.
Below is part of that family heritage.

The image on the left of a Nez Perce Chief has hung on display in everyone of my art galleries.
I created the image when I was nine years old.
The image on the right is from a pen and ink my Mother created of Admiral Perry.
On top of the hutch you can see one of my fathers amazing bird carvings.
Books about my ancestor George Catlin are also included.
The Copper Lustreware pieces I have collected along with my parents for years.
They are significant to me because they played an important roll at
 Fort Vancouver.
The Hudson Bay Company used this pottery for daily use.
In the near future a painting depicting Fort Vancouver's History will be released.
If  you click on the blog search you will find a story about the history of Copper Lustre.
So the next time you visit Fort Vancouver look for these pieces within their displays.
I always feel we should honor our history, learn from it and share it with the next generation.
What future Artists will be added to the Lake Legacy Generational List?
Have a Wonderful Evening!
Enjoy Life & Learn to Live Happy!
Your Artist Friend,
Jennifer Lake